
Whilst walking around town today, there were a few instances where people were pointing at me or acknowledging me in a weird way. I couldn\’t for the life of me understand as since moving here, I\’ve been able to be pretty invisable (in Seattle, people often stared at me because I was in neither flannel or black).On one street it became particularily bad when I could hear a group of teenage girls behind me whispering, there she is! quick catch up! oh my god!. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around there were several excited girl faces which quickly turned to dissapointment.\”Oh,\” one said, \”you\’re not her.\”A couple of other people made comments but no one said anything which peaked my interest. Just who do I look like? I\’ve got no idea but it leads me to think if I could find out, I could maybe have a career as a stand in here…


