I remember when I first saw this bee laying in the flower and thought him dead. My first reaction wasn\’t that in the heat of summer he might have been so busy as to just need a nap (which was true) but that it must not be alive if it\’s not moving.The past few months for me have been busy. So very, very busy. I\’m not the kind of girl who schedules her life so seeing my iCal fill up with times and dates and people was so overwhelming at first, and then sadly became routine. And although Sundays had been strictly a day off for me with nothing more than breakfast and hanging out at the beach in Mailbu, all other days were go, go, go.I think perhaps I thought if I wasn\’t moving, I wasn\’t living either. Ridiculous, isn\’t it.So I took a week off at home, not answering personal emails, not going to any appointments, not working on projects or worrying about deadlines. I literally shut all the windows, kept the lights low and just relaxed for the first time in years.Then the second week I opened the windows and went out just a little, keeping some people at bay and pushing back projects. The third week I found balance between doing and resting which is good, as next week I\’m out on part business, part pleasure. I\’ll need to remember that some busy is good (especially when you want things) but some rest is just as good (especially if you\’re in a in a lovely city).

Sleeping Bee