Category: Beautiful Things

  • Glamour


    “The contrast between what is glamorous now and what was glamorous in the days of Cary Grant and Norma Shearer says much about how American society has changed. Glamour used to present an idealized version of adulthood. Now it presents an idealized version of adolescence. In the old days, glamour was all about unattainability, i.e.,…

  • European Book Covers

    One of my favourite things to do on my travels is to visit a bookstore for there\’s something about British published books that are just spectacular. I\’m not sure why there\’s such a design difference since there are many fabulous designers and writers in America. Yet it seems to me as though the European counterpart…

  • Wall Art

    Photo by Apple PieWith the exception of my office, my walls are painted in colours that aren\’t my choice or really, much to my liking. But they\’re neutral and good for selling a home (which I\’m soon to do) so the colours are kept. But that still leaves me with walls that are less than…

  • Clothes Call

    Growing up I had very little clothes, most of which were hand me downs, thrifted or made. I also had a very peculiar style, mixing strange colours and textures and thinking Laura Ingalls was a fashion model. When I began to travel at 18, everything I owned had to fit into one suitcase so owning…

  • The Coffee Table Book Table

    After two and a half years of literally no furniture or home bits, I feel as though I have everything I need; the sofa, a TV table, dining room table with two benches, bed frame, large linen trunk, great work chair, desk, guest chair and corner unit for office. The only things I think I…

  • Creole Thrift

    In the book, Creole Thrift (currently one of my favourites!), I found a passage that so perfectly stated what I was trying to say yesterday: Although they like quality and first-class trappings, Creoles intuitively know there are ways to be resourceful; to make do or reinvent what you have on hand.Don\’t think that being cheap…