About this site

Alexthegirl.com began in 1995 as one of the first personal websites on the internet. A time when it had to be hand coded and you couldn’t have more than an image or two because hosting was so expensive and image hosting sites hadn’t been invented yet. It was created with the intention to share just every day thoughts and discoveries with hopes that it would somehow connect with someone, somewhere.

Before search engines and easy sharing, this site started to gain word of mouth destination, attracting almost 1M people a month in its heyday. There are a lot of famous writers and creators who credit this site with being the first they saw to inspire them to do the same. And more importantly, it got so many other women writing about their everyday and discoveries.

Other sites were developed (Girl at Play, Another Girl at Play, Anywhere Everywhere, Hygge House) and publishing here took a back seat. But also the web changed – Instagram and selling seemed to be more the fashion. This site has never been about monetization (it never took ads or sponsorships). It’s been just about pure expression + connection.

The site was taken down in 2020 and resumed in 2023. Combining posts from what was HyggeHouse.com (2004-2018), this site is slowly coming back to life as posts are updated one by one. If you see a post with missing photos or funky text, it’s because the import from the old sites wasn’t great and that post has yet to be updated.

I have no idea if this site will ever be active again or if it’ll just remain a scrapbook of my past.

alex, July 2024.