I am missing fall and charm; it\’s really just that simple. When it\’s just cold enough for a sweater and hot chocolate. When the windows open and you feel the cold brush in. When boots and tights come out to replace flip flops and cheeks are rosy. I miss cosy.I\’m trying to be mindful of the future but not at the expense of the present which means that although I know I\’ll be moving again, I\’ve still got to feel at home and live here now – not put it off until I think I\’ve got \”it.\” So then I\’ve taken to buying furniture for the first time, painting a few walls to make it mine, weatherstripping like there\’s no tomorrow and unpacking every single box – even those that have been packed for years.There\’s the old saying, \”Be better than your current circumstances\” and that\’s my motto as of late. The current situation is far from ideal but there is a purpose. And as long as I use that purpose to make the next goal then, perhaps it will make missing all the things I love a little easier to bare. If not, there\’s always tea.