10 year website anniversary


This year marks my 10th anniversary as having a web site. Oh the dish I could tell, the strange way I\’ve grown with it and changed it and expanded to having far too many sites (with a couple more to come). It\’s been strange to have a site for so long, to chronicle life and stories before \”blog\” was a word.

The main goal of having a site, however, has not changed. It\’s to be of use; of sharing information, stories or ideas that perhaps someone else would like to know. It\’s been less about me and more about things going on around me.

That\’s why I generally do not have comments expect for posts in which others can share information that\’s a benefit to people outside of just myself. Sharing is a good thing if it\’s more than about bowel movements.

Sometimes I\’m a rock star at this and sometimes I am very dull indeed and cannot stand to look at my own site. But, it\’s always nice to have the option, I suppose.

So, a little celebrating is in order, I think. After all, this is the longest I\’ve ever done one thing consistently.


